Coil Winder
Coil Winder
Coil winder made from scratch.  Two Nema 17 stepper motors.  One glide and one rail. 8 mm lead screw.  Arduino Uno.  Stepper Motor Shield and two motor controllers.  Key Pad and Display.  Home made PC Shield.  3D printed box.
Coil Winder
Coil Winder
Coil Winder

Coil Winder
Coil Winder
3D Printed Box is not perfect but it works.

Coil Winder
Key Pad and Display Plugged into Header Pins

Coil Winder
This Shield plugs into Motor Controller Shield. The Black cubes are printed support blocks.  Regulator supplies Voltage from motor power supply to Arduino.

This PC board was made with my home maid PC Router.  See it on this web site.

Just tell the controller How many turns you want and at what TPI and you have a coil!

Coil Winder

The magic is in the code.

//Winder Shield OLED 2.4 Keypad 3x4  WA6OTP  1/12/2019  3:00 PM 
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include "SSD1306Ascii.h"
    #include "SSD1306AsciiSoftSpi.h"
    #include <Keypad.h>
     // pin definitions
    #define CS_PIN    A3
    #define RST_PIN   1
    #define DC_PIN    0
    #define MOSI_PIN A4
    #define CLK_PIN  A5

    SSD1306AsciiSoftSpi oled;
    const byte ROWS = 4;
    const byte COLS = 3;
    char keys [ROWS] [COLS] = {
      {'1', '2', '3'},
      {'4', '5', '6'},
      {'7', '8', '9'},
      {'.', '0', '#'}

     byte rowPins[ROWS] = { 7,13,12,10};      //Connect Rows to these Arduino pins
     byte colPins[COLS] = { 9,4,11};
   Keypad kpd = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS ); // Init Keypad
    int outPin2 = 2;         // digital pin 2 Step X
    int outPin3 = 3;         // digital pin 3 Step Y
    int outPin5 = 5;         // digital pin X Direction
    int outPin6 = 6;         // digital pin Y Direction
    int nwt=0;               // Number of wire turns
    int pulses=0;            // pulse start value
    int tpi = 0;             // Turns Per Inch          
    int revs=0;              //  unknown ?
    float (tpidelay);        // delay for timing
    float (tt);              // one turn time lead screw
    float (pitch);           // wire pitch
    float (cl);              // coil length
    float (trns);            // lead screw turns  X axis
    float (coiltime);        // coil time
    float(myentry);          // Floating point variable for keyboard entry

    void setup()
      oled.begin(&Adafruit128x64, CS_PIN, DC_PIN, CLK_PIN, MOSI_PIN, RST_PIN);  //SPI    
      oled.println(" Coil Winder");
      oled.println("Number of Turns");
      oled.print("Turns Per Inch"); 

      pinMode(outPin2, OUTPUT);       // sets the digital pin 2 as output  X
      pinMode(outPin3, OUTPUT);       // sets the digital pin 3 as output  Y
      pinMode(outPin5, OUTPUT);       // sets the digital pin 5 as output  X
      pinMode(outPin6, OUTPUT);       // sets the digital pin 6 as output  Y
      pinMode(8, OUTPUT);             // enable  motor on coltroller

      digitalWrite(2, 0);             //set pin 2 low  X
      digitalWrite(3, 0);             //set pin 3 low  Y
      digitalWrite(5, 0);             //set pin 5 High X direction
      digitalWrite(6, 0);             //set pin 6 High Y direction
      digitalWrite(8, 0);             //set pin 8 low  Enable   
 void loop(){
        coiltime=(nwt*1.63195);                   //  1 second / 489.950htz * 800 = time of 1 turns * number of turns, 490.21
        pitch = (1.00/tpi);                       //  pitch  turn width
        cl = (nwt * pitch);                       //  coil length
        trns = (cl /.318);                        //  number of lead screw turns, #.318 = movement of caraige
        revs=(trns*800);                          //  one turn time of lead screw
        tpidelay=(tt/.80);                        //  delay for timing * .8 insted of 800 toget decimal tocome out right
      StartMotors();                                          // Start Motors
void StartMotors(){
    analogWrite(3, 2);                              // Y motor 0n ,The duty cycle of "2" gives 16us pulse on 489.950 Hz
    for (pulses = 0; pulses < revs; pulses ++)      // X  count pulse per revolution
    digitalWrite(outPin2, 1);                       // X  motor sets 2 pin HIGH
    delayMicroseconds(10);                          // X pauses for 10 microseconds
    digitalWrite(outPin2, 0);                       // X motor sets 2 pin LOW
    delay(tpidelay);                                // X pauses for wire gauge
    analogWrite(3, 0);                              // Y turn off (low) PWM Y motor